Sexual Misconduct

If there is an immediate danger, call 911.

Prohibition of Sexual Misconduct

Any form of sexual misconduct jeopardizes the welfare of our students, employees, and the safety of the College community. Sexual misconduct includes the acts of sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, sexual harassment, stalking, and more. Sexual misconduct diminishes a students’ individual dignity and may cause lasting physical and psychological harm. Sexual misconduct violates our institutional and community values. Sexual misconduct will not be tolerated at Washtenaw Community College and is expressly prohibited.

Board of Trustee Policy 8080 Sexual Misconduct

This web page provides information regarding the College’s prevention and awareness efforts related to sexual misconduct by anyone on campus. 十大彩票网赌平台 is firmly committed to a safe campus and the prevention of all types of sexual misconduct or sexual violence. Our ultimate goal is increased awareness of the topic and to start conversations on how to prevent it. Topical information is available using the links below.

Scope of the problem

Definitions of different types of sexual misconduct

How to reduce your risk of sexual assault

Information on same-sex (intimate partner) relationship violence and sexual misconduct

How everyone can help to reduce incidents of sexual misconduct

Amnesty for reporters of sexual misconduct

Reporting Sexual Misconduct

If there is an immediate danger, call 911.

The College recommends that you report any incident of sexual misconduct as soon as possible. Reporting options include:

Public Safety
Office: 2nd floor of the parking structure.
Telephone: 734-973-3411 (x3411 from an on campus telephone)
Public Safety staff can also assist if you wish to file a report with local law enforcement.

Dean of Students Office
Office: SC275 – check in at the Student Resources counter, 2nd floor of the Student Center Building
Telephone: 734-973-3328
Email: [email protected]

Title IX ( Sexual Misconduct ) Report Form

Title IX Coordinator
The VP Student Services is the College's Title IX Coordinator
Office: SC 251
Telephone: 734-677-5477
Victims of sexual assault and friends or relatives of victims are encouraged to review what to do after a sexual assault occurs.

Confidential Reporting Information

No person should bear the effects of sexual misconduct alone. The Campus Community offers various support and assistance services when such incidents occur. The College’s primary concern is for the safety, health, and well-being of those affected. Students who report sexual misconduct are encouraged to use all appropriate resources to assist them.

Those accused of sexual misconduct shall receive due process in accordance with College policies. Board of Trustee Policy 4095, Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct Code describes the process for students. The Office of Human Resources can provide information on employee procedures.

Complainant (Victim) Rights

Respondent (Alleged Perpetrator) Rights

Prohibition of Retaliation

Any actual or threatened retaliation or any act of intimidation to prevent or otherwise obstruct the reporting of sexual misconduct or the participation in proceedings related to sexual misconduct by an accused student, employee, or third party is prohibited and will result in disciplinary sanctions.

To report retaliation:

Students - Contact the Dean of Students Office or 734-973-3328 Employees – Contact Human Resources at 734-973-3497

Grievance Procedure

If an individual wishes to file a complaint on how the College handled their situation, access the College’s Complaint and Grievance Procedures.


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