Abuse in same-sex relationships occurs with the same frequency as heterosexual domestic violence. No segment of our community is free from relationship violence. The basic elements of relationship violence and misconduct (power, ownership, and control) are similar across all types of intimate partners leading to similar patterns of relationship violence within all groups.
No one deserves to be mistreated, abused, or be a victim of relationship violence or misconduct. 十大彩票网赌平台 prohibits all forms of sexual misconduct in its educational programs, activities, and events including sexual misconduct within same-sex couples.
If you are the victim of same-sex or intimate partner violence, report it as soon as it is safe to do so. The effects of sexual misconduct on the victim in a same-sex relationship are similar to the effects of sexual misconduct within a heterosexual couple. Help is available. Feelings of betrayal, fear, disbelief, loss of control, along with emotional and physical trauma are often felt by the victim.
Sexual Assault
Victims of sexual assault and friends or relatives of victims are encouraged to review what to do after a sexual assault occurs.
Reporting Options - If there is an immediate danger, call 911.
The College recommends that you report any incident of sexual misconduct as soon as possible. Reporting options include:
Public Safety
Office: 2nd floor of the parking structure.
Telephone: 734-973-3411 (x3411 from an on campus telephone)
Public Safety staff can also assist if you wish to file a report with local law enforcement.
Dean of Students Office
Office: SC275 – check in at the Student Resources counter, 2nd floor of the Student
Center Building
Telephone: 734-973-3328
Email: deanofstudents@wccnet.edu
Title IX ( Sexual Misconduct ) Report Form
Title IX Coordinator
The VP Student Services is the College's Title IX Coordinator
Office: SC 251
Telephone: 734-677-5477
Confidential Reporting Information
Follow the Resources link for a list of community resources that are available to assist you if you are a victim of same-sex sexual misconduct.
If you are the victim of relationship violence of any type:
- you can tell someone what is happening to you
- develop a safety plan for yourself (and your children)
- plan a strategy to leave quickly
- have essential papers and documents with you or easily accessible
- establish connections for where you could go in an emergency
Examples & Information about Same-Sex Relationship Violence and Misconduct:
- battering
- mutual battering or the threat to tell others your situation involves mutual battering
- forced sexual acts (vaginal, anal, oral)
- forced touching
- threats to “out” you
- your partner telling you that no one will help you because everyone is “anti-gay”
- emotional battering, psychological harm, & verbal abuse
- economic abuse by keeping you from getting a job or threatening to tell your employers about your sexual orientation or preferences
- relationship violence and misconduct can occur at any age